The Shellharbour Club


1. Members must produce their Membership Card and any other acceptable form of identification requested by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or a delegated officer to gain admission to the Club.

2. No member shall lend his or her Membership Card to any other person for any purpose whatsoever and any member who breaches this by-law thereby causing the Club to incur fines, costs or expenses shall reimburse the Club the amount of such fines, costs or expenses.

3. (a) Any person residing within 5 kms of Club premises seeking admission to the Club must be a member or signed in by a member.

(b) Members introducing a visitor are responsible for the conduct of the visitor on the premises. No member shall be permitted to sign in more than four (4) visitors at any time. Visitors must leave the Club when the responsible member leaves. Visitors must present satisfactory proof of age if requested before admission.

(c) Persons residing outside a 5km radius of Club premises may sign in as a temporary member in the Club’s temporary members’ register.

4. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) years are only permitted in non-restricted areas and must remain under adult supervision at all times.

5. Members shall not take away from the Club premises any article or property of the club without permission of the CEO or the Board of Directors.

6. Meetings of any description are not to be arranged without the approval of the CEO or a delegated officer or the Board of Directors.

7. No subscription list is to be canvassed, conducted or exhibited in the Club without the permission of the Board of Directors.

8. Members or visitors are not allowed to bring dogs (other than seeing eye dogs & hearing dogs) or other animals into the Club premises.

9. No debts shall be incurred in the Club, except by prior arrangments with the CEO or a delegated officer.

10. No part of the club premises shall be used for the purpose of organised betting or gambling or the playing of any games which are considered by the Board of Directors to be contrary to the interests of the Club.

11. If the CEO or delegated officer determines that any person seeking admission to the Club is intoxicated, then such person shall be refused admission.

12. If the CEO or delegated officer determines that any member or visitor is intoxicated on the Club premises, then such person shall, upon request, leave the Club premises.

13. Any member or visitor who, in the opinion of the CEO or delegated officer, becomes disorderl or uses abusive, objectionable or obscene language may be removed from the Club premises.

14. (a) No member shall reprimand any servant of the Club.

(b) All complaints against any servant shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors or CEO.

15. No person shall distribute or circulate “How to Vote” tickets of any kind or literature within the Club.

16. Unauthorised entertainment is not permitted in the Club.

17. Members and visitors shall adhere to the dress regulations as set out in a separate schedule and as may be varied from time to time.

18. Any member making a complaint to the CEO, delegated officer or Board of Directors must provide his/her name and membership number in support of such complaint.

19. Members will not be given loans from Club funds.

20. Members whose cheques have not been met on presentation to their banker shall be guilty of an offence against the by-laws and may be dealt with under Section 28 of the Club's Constitution.

21. No audio or visual recordings are to be made within the Club which contravenes copyright or encroaches on the privacy of individuals.

22. No person shall place a notice inside the Club unless sanctioned in writing by the CEO or Board of Directors.

23. Suspended members must apply to and obtain permission of the Board of Directors or CEO to enter the Club for a special function during their period of suspension.


(a) Only legal tender is to be used to play poker machines.

(b) Operating instructions of machines must be adhered to at all times.

(c) Tilting, rocking, forcing or other manipulation of the machine is forbidden.

(d) Cycle of machine must be completed before operating again.

(e) Malfunction of a machine will invalidate play and any payment, prize or credit on a malfunctioning machine will be withheld by the Club at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

(f) Any malfunction of the machine must be reported to the CEO or delegated officer immediately and failure to do so will invalidate play and will be dealt with by the Board of Directors under the Club's Constitution and any loss suffered by the Club will be recoverable from the player.

(g) No jackpot, winning combination or prize will be paid or given where the player has continued or attempted to continue to play after achieving the winning combination if the winning combination has not been properly verified by the CEO or delegated officer.

(h) No jackpot prize or winning combination will be paid to a player after closing time has been announced.

(i) Disputed pays on jackpots will not be made on credit metered machines if the “Game Invalid” light is showing.

(j) Persons under eighteen (18) years of age must not play poker machines.

(k) The Club reserves the right to place an “Out of Order” sign upon any machine at the discretion of the CEO or delegated officer.

(l) Machines may be reserved for a maximum of three (3) minutes only and must be reserved by use of “reserve” light or personal items and the management reserves the right to disengage reserved machines after the three (3) minute period has elapsed.

(m) Any jackpot or credit in excess of $100 may be paid by cheque within 48 hours of verification and will be mailed to the address shown in the visitors’ book or the members’ records if not obtained personally within 72 hours of verification.

(n) The staff authorised by the CEO shall witness the payment of every short pay or machine refills.

(o) Any visitor playing poker machines may be asked to prove their identity to Club staff.

(p) Any member violating poker machine rules may be liable to suspension or legal action.

(q) Any visitor violating poker machine rules may be asked to leave the Club and the member who signed in the visitor may be liable to suspension or legal action.

(r) Payment may be refused to any person, member or visitor, who is not abiding by any poker machine rules.

(s) The Club reserves the right to refuse any person, member or visitor the right to play poker machines in the Club.

(t) It is the responsibility of members to ensure that their guests abide by the poker machine rules.

(u) Poker machines must be played in the manner prescribed by the Club from time to time.

25. The CEO or a delegated officer may refuse to admit or remove from the Club premises any person who acts in an unseemly manner or whose conduct is prejudicial to the interest of the Club. Any person who by his/her action, renders the Club liable to any penalty under the Liquor Act, Registered Clubs Act or any pertinent legislation shall reimburse to the club the amount of any such penalty and any costs or fees associated with the imposition of such penalty.

26. Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed in the foyer of the Club and other marked areas.

27. The Board of Directors, CEO or delegated officer shall have the power to adjudicate upon disputes between members arising on the Club premises and such adjudication shall be accepted by the members concerned as final and conclusive.

28. Any matter connected with the management of the Club not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final and binding on all matters.

29. Persons, whether members or guests of members, using the Club’s car parking facilities shall at all times obey the regulatory traffic signs appearing on the Club’s property. Failure to do so shall be an offence under the By-Laws and shall be dealt with by the Board. No responsibilty is accepted by the Club, the Board of Directors or the Management for any damage to any vehicle or property therein howsoever arising.

30. Any member found guilty by the Board of Directors of conduct involving cheating on poker machines, misappropriation of Club monies or defrauding the Club in any way is liable to have his/her name struck from the Club’s register as a member. Any nonmember or visitor found guilty by the Board of Directors of similar conduct shall be excluded from membership of the Club and entry to the Club.

31. Employees of the Club, contractors, sub-contractors and their employees, whether such person is a member of the Club or not, shall not be eligible for the receipt of any prize, benefit or reward in poker machine promotions, bar promotions or any promotions so specified by the Board of Directors.

32. The Club’s snooker room has been designated a non-food area of the Club. Any person found within this area with food will be asked to leave the Club premises and may have their membership suspended.

33. No persons wearing any form of clothing, jewellery or other accessory displaying or indicating by form of wording, colours, logo, symbol or otherwise that they are members of or are in any way associated with:

Bandidos, Black Uhlans, Coffin Cheaters, Comanchero, Finks, Fourth Reich, Gladiators, Gypsy Jokers, Highway 61, Life and Death, Lone Wolf, Nomads, Odins, Warriors, Outcasts, Outlaws, Phoenix, Hells Angels, Satan’s Soldiers, Notorious and Rebels –
be allowed entry into or permitted to remain on licensed premise.


The CEO or his/her representatives has the authority to reject a member or their guest if, in their opinion, their dress is not acceptable in any Club area.

* Thongs and scuffs must be neat and tidy and worn with appropriate neat and tidy clothing.

* Midriff tops must be presentable.

* Head wear and hoods cannot be worn in the Club at any time. Exceptions, at the Manager's discretion, may include medical or religious purposes or for special functions, eg fancy dress or Melbourne Cup Day.

Members & their guests are asked to attend the Club in reasonable attire at all times. Squash Players must wear T-shirts, shorts/skirt, and white soled shoes as a minimum requirement. Shoes must remain on at all times, Singlets are not permissable. Jeans are permissable, however, they must not be soiled, ripped or scruffy. Tradesperson attire is permitted in the Members’ bar only. Stricter dress regulations may apply for Saturday night.


The carrying of weapons into or within the Club is not permitted.

Chief Executive Officer



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  1. Construction incoming

    Hoarding up, hard hats on!

  2. The Imperial at Clifton - Now Open

    The next chapter begins. 


Sunday - Thursday: 10.00am - 4.00am
Friday, Saturday and Public Holidays: 10.00am - 6.00am

Christmas Day: Closed
Good Friday: Open